パーソナルトレーナー おぜきとしあき
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What`s the Body Shapes? How to ?

What`s the Body Shapes?

For example, the woman that the volume of the lower part of the body is

bigger than the upper part of a person`s body. The woman of the large size

does its best a medium size lower part of the body the upper part of a

person`s body, and a small size lower part of the body becomes the medium

size the upper part of a person`s body even if got thinner; as the upper

part of a person`s body and lower part of the body imbalance.

Then, in the case of the diet of the woman, there is not a meaning. Is not it that top and bottom changes a body into small size together to be necessary?

It merely gets shrinking because of the normal diet generally. The partial

dissatisfaction that I get thinner and do not have stays whether only the

part to be worried about gets thinner. There is the woman that there is

the similar, substantial woman, and a lower part of the body is substantial.

Is not there the thought balance makes an unbalanced figure better, and

to want to get sterile? There is that both any kind of clothes and the

fashion become the figure to be able to enjoy for the purpose of diet of

the woman, and it may be said that a thing met in the demand is "Genuine


Do not you do the BodyMaking in a true meaning?

ボディメイク・女性ボディ・ダイエット・モデル・モデル体型・下半身やせ・部分痩せのトレーナー モデル体型・ボディメイクエクササイズと食事専門のダイエットパーソナルトレーナーによるパソナルトレーニング・ジム

How to "Genuine BodyShapes"?

Then it is necessary to understand a basic concept of the "BodyMaking"

as a premise of a concrete execise or training.

At first it is a commentary of three the Bodymaking required element.

It is necessary to satisfy these three elements by all means to raise the completeness of the body judging from a conclusion.

 ① Volume adjustment(The volume increase and decrease)

 ② Form(A joint angle)

 ③ Balance(Sight psychology)

On the contrary, I cannot say the "BodyMaking" without these

concepts. Because the reason is because it may not be only it in a clean

figure by the diet only as for getting thinner. It is not so whether you

get possible to dress even what kind of clothes well cool because you got

thinner. The right "BodyMaking" in a true meaning is necessary

to become the figure to be able to dress any kind of clothes well cool.

① Volume adjustment(The volume increase and decrease)

To be this stage is the level of the thin general diet that gained weight.

Because I am heavy, it is it in body terraced falls and the level that

it was so it in medium size from large size the size of clothes because

it is bad in improvement, health in it taking a burden on a knee.

Other than one not to have to get thinner, it may be said with the part becoming basic of foundations of body make.

However, you must consider an element of natural ② to demand it to a change of the total form (a silhouette).

Otherwise the person who has a lower part of the body of volume gets thinner, and, like the following figures, as for the lower part of the body and the imbalance of the upper part of a person`s body, a thing just gets up.

It is it to the member of the cause that the partial lean person whom a lower part of the body which this wants to drop never falls into does not have.


Will not it be natural I get thinner, and to narrow?

Will not the thing which you want to get the BodyMaking in a true meaning?

② Form(A joint angle)

So-called; of the appearance form it, and is made with a silhouette, and

become the making of line of the body. If the human body is very simple,

and it says, it is a bone and a muscle. Of the building block called the

bone is piled up, and, in one, a silhouette of the appearance changes.

If frameworks to become the framework are different, another thing takes

even the body of the quantity of same volume really.

This of the appearance form it, and is made with a silhouette, and become

the making of line of the body. If the human body is very simple, and it

says, it is a bone and a muscle. Of the building block called the bone

is piled up, and, in one, a silhouette of the appearance changes. If frameworks

to become the framework are different, another thing takes even the body

of the quantity of same volume really.

In other words of the framework that the body of the framework plays a

key role with the silhouette (a figure) of the appearance is piled up,

and a person (a joint angle) makes it. And it is strength balance of the

muscles to decide the joint angle. For example, when it is a figure of

above, a person of the types of the left is stronger in a face than the

backside of the peach, and the back side is strong, but a characteristic

that the ventral upper part is weak comes out. It is not solved fundamentally

so that I am thin, and bad いままとか is sterile, and a lower part of the body

is big, and posture meets needs to be unpleasant if I do not consider here.

This is a problem called the angle of inclination of the pelvis, bowlegs,

knock knee, right and left skewness.

However, size is not downed even if I do only these if, as a matter of course, I can cry by combination with the ,① volume adjustment (the volume increase and decrease). On the contrary, the person who does not have to lower a volume is OK only in this ②.

③ Balance(Sight psychology)

For example, it is thought that a person that a face is big has a big part

of the head (the skull) of the frame. However, I am big, and the part of

the head is seen even more if I get thinner generally, and the imbalance

is outstanding adversely. You should be able to make bone in itself of

the head small, but cannot usually sharpen bones (the skull). Therefore

it is whether you are possible to let I do not attract attention and do

the part of the head. Actually, for example, I fix the part of the neighborhood

of stomach and collarbone neatly and give an impact and bring eyes besides

a head so that eyes do not go for a brain. In addition, for example, I

am big and do a waist daringly and I am inconspicuous and do it when there

is the width of the shoulders and I am stern and am interested.  These

are concepts of s shapely. There is put a shadow beside a nose, feeling

it to make a nose look high if I say by makeup. I may resemble perspective

drawing if I say with a picture. ①②But, ,③ can be called the psychological

element if it is a volume and a substance element of the form.




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パーソナルトレーナー おぜきとしあき







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